Can Bankruptcy Help Me With Wage Garnishment?

One of the questions we get a lot is whether bankruptcy can help if you're having your wages garnished by a creditor? And the answer is that yes, bankruptcy is a salvation when it comes to wage garnishments.

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Hi, I’m Nate Riordan with West Coast Bankruptcy Law. One of the questions we get a lot is whether bankruptcy can help if you're having your wages garnished by a creditor? And the answer is that yes, bankruptcy is a salvation when it comes to wage garnishments.

If you file a bankruptcy, wage garnishment absolutely has to stop immediately. Some of the money that's been garnished in the last 90 days may be returnable. You might be able to force the return, and either the bankruptcy trustee will have it returned to the bankruptcy estate, and paid to other creditors, or if your exemptions lineup right, we might be able to exempt that amount for you, and it might come back to you.

So if you're having a wage garnishment, bankruptcy is absolutely a solution, and that's something you really should check out because it might be, you know, just the thing to get your wages back, to get you back on track, and to let you keep the money that you've worked hard to earn. Thanks, give us a call if you need to.


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