Can I Buy a Car After Filing for Bankruptcy?

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A common question about bankruptcy is if you can buy a car after you file bankruptcy.

And the answer is absolutely yes. Ironically, folks that make car loans will use your bankruptcy filing, everybody's bankruptcy filing, to send offers to buy cars. That's in their self-interest. They can charge you a little bit more interest and you can't file bankruptcy again for a while, but you will absolutely get offers to buy a car, to borrow money to buy a car, in the mail, almost immediately after you file bankruptcy.

And it's one decent way to start rebuilding your credit. I mean, you've got to pick and choose through some of those offers because some of them are predatory, but if you can find a decent one, and we can help you choose, and answer questions about them, but yes is the answer. You can absolutely buy a car.

Learn more here.


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